[应用软件] 《 施耐德Unity自动化平台6.0破解版》Schneider Electric Unity Pro XL 6.0

rrscteam 发表于 2012-6-29 19:29:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


Unity Pro 后面的XL表示支持的CPU范围.XXL为最完整.

Unity 是施耐德电气自动化的核心产品,它是新一代软硬件自动化平台。
性能。基于开放性以及对工具的协同式应用,Unity 在软件开发和控

Unity Pro 是用于 Premium、Atrium 和 Quantum PLC 的通用 IEC61131-3 编程、
调试和运行软件包。基于 PL7 和 Concept 的公认标准,Unity Pro 能够帮助我们
实现更高的生产率以及更多的软件协作新功能。其集成的转换器可以重用 PL7 和
Concept 的 IEC 应用程序。您可以因此减少您的软件投资,降低培训成本,充分
利用 Unity Pro 在兼容性和未来开发能力方面无可匹敌的潜力。
利用 Unity EFB Toolkit,Visual C++ 开发者可以创建定制的功能,这些功能可以在
Unity Pro 中使用。
Unity SFC View 是一个Active X 控件,可集成到一个标准的 HMI/SCADA 系统中,
用于监视和控制 SFC 程序。

> 可定制的工具条和图标
> 数据输入向导,代码语法分析器
> 集成诊断窗口
> 每个功能块包含程序段、数据监视表、操作画面、超链接
> 重覆使用的基本函数可以封装在用户功能块中(DFB)
> 标准函数库含有近800个标准函数。也可自行添加变量,数据类型或函数块
> 用户定义的结构化数据类型(DDT)
> 功能块可在应用程序中或XML导入/导出工程之间重用
> 功能块通过库中拖放而生成新的实例


Schneider Electric Unity Pro XL 6.0

Unity Pro, the unique and high performance multitask software offer for the Modicon M340, Premium, Quantum

About Schneider Electric

From 1836 to today, Schneider Electric has transformed itself into the global specialist in energy management. Starting from its roots in the iron and steel industry, heavy machinery, and ship building, it moved into electricity and automation management. After 170 years of history, Schneider Electric has become today the solution provider that will help you make the most of your energy.

From steel in the 19th century, to electrical distribution and automation in the 20th and energy management in the 21st, Schneider Electric has always been driven by an international, innovative and responsible mindset to shape the transformation of the industry it was evolving in. Discover its transformation below.


Unity Pro is the software that increases the productivity and the performance of your Modicon M340, Modicon Premium and Modicon Quantum applications. Unity Pro is also a key component of PlantStruxure, the new Process Automation System of Schneider Electric.

- Modicon M340
Far more than a PLC, our Modicon Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) are built to suit the needs of the process industry and a wide range of demanding automation applications. Modicon M340 can be used individually but is also the perfect companion of Modicon Premium and Modicon Quantum, increasing the performance, the quality and the profitability of your industrial process, facilities or of your machines.
- Modicon Premium
Premium offers unrivalled performance, reducing cycle times and avoiding any need for optimisation, thanks to the integration of more diagnostics and production data, freedom of communication and access to generic programming.
- Modicon Quantum
Offering a large range of processors, Modicon Quantum is ideal for complex processes. The power of itsprocessors results in optimum cycle times, while integrating ever more communication functions, diagnostics, memory flexibility and data storage. The Quantum Safety system is now available, certified TUV Rheinland, simple to use and ready to be integrated in your automated system.

Name: Schneider Electric Unity
Version: Pro XL 6.0
Creator: www.schneider-electric.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows Vista / Seven
Size: 1.5 Gb

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